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NUMINOUS is currently developing an original sci-fi series, The Omega Archives is the 'working title' for a new multi-platform science fiction project. The project is currently in the pre-visualisation stage as we work with conceptual artists and writers to refine the vision. More information and updates will follow in the new year. This is the most ambitious and exciting project to date and we look forward to sharing our progress.
Seeking Artists - We are currently looking to collaborate with more artists in the following specialist areas during the pre-vis process. Robotics / Vehicle Specialists. Conceptual Landscape Artists & 3D Design / print specialists. To find out more please use the contact page using REF: OMEGA. We look forward to hearing from you.
Indiegogo - The Omega Archives is currently an independently financed project, fitting around our regular slate of commercial work. The aim is to have two team members on full time development in 2018. We will be starting a Indiegogo campaign early next year to help us realise our dreams with this project. Aiming to raise enough development money and support for our project to allow us to move into full time development of not just the novels and conceptual design but also the first stages of development with games developers and 3D printers.